Thursday, August 26, 2010

As part of our study about the earth, we are also creating some dioramas. These are basically a scene in a shoebox. Thomas brought his diorama to school to show us what they look like. He has made a fabulous job of it, and now we have some great ideas for making our own! I loved the paper exploding lava coming out of his volcano! Hot stuff!!


Room M children have been learning about the earth, and drew some great volcanoes. They used pastels and dye to get some great effects.

volcano pictures

Room m has been working on our volcano pictures. We used pastels, paint and dye. It actually looks like erupting volcanoes.

Monday, August 23, 2010


In room m we have have been learning earthquakes and volcanoes. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates moving and sliding together. Some volcanoes are extinct but some volcanoes are still active and can erupt at any time. When volcanoes erupt they can kill many people.Earthquakes also can kill many people and can damage lots of house and building.I like our topic theme this term.

Production Practice

Every day after maths we go to the hall for production practice. Soon we are going to have it. All the middles are going to do 'How the kiwi lost his wings.' I am a Tui. I have to go to the side of the stage to get my white feathers to put on my throat.


In room m we are learning to do different kind of stitches like wipping stitch and chain


In room m we are learning to do different stitches like the ruining stitch and whipping stitch. You should try it !

Thursday, August 19, 2010

volcano picture

Roomm are making some volcano pictures. We are using pastels to colour them in and


All of our class are doing stitchery. I think I am good at stitchery. We have mums to help us.



Our class has been practising how to do stitchery. I think I'm good at it. We have learnt quite a lot of stitches. My favourite stitch is whipping stitch. We have parents to help. I think stitchery is fun!!!

By John

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


In room M we are learning about volcanoes.I have learnt heaps of interesting things like... some volcanoes are extinct,which means thay will never erupt again!


In room M we are learning about volcanoes.We are drawing volcano pictures. Next week we are making dioramas. It is going to be very fun. Some volcanoes are extinct.


In room M we are learning to do stitchery which is fun.We are studying the earth. It is very interesting, well that's what I think.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Earth

Hi there. We are learning about the earth. I now know that inside the earth is hot melted rock.

the earth

We are lerning about the earth. I have lernt that there is `magma is in the middle of the earth.


Room M has been doing some stitchery from last week and the week before.I managed the running stitch with big gaps and smaller gaps.I have also managed to do the whipping stitch.


Room m has been doing stitchery every Thursday.

Monday, August 16, 2010

In room M we have been doing stitchery.Most of us have finished our practice piece.We did it on a piece of hessian.


Our school , the middle team , has been practising on Tuesday and some other days of the week for our production.We are getting the hang of it .
At school the middle team have been practising for a production on Tuesdays and some other days of the week. We are really getting the hang of what where suppose to be doing at the right time. We have got some costumses that I have not seen before. The animals that we have to play are Tuis,Trees,Insects,Ladybirds,Fantails.


In room M we have been working on some stitchery. Most of us have finished our practice piece. We (the people who are done their other piece) have done the border of our good piece of hessian,now hessian is a piece of material that has holes in it all ready. Mrs Duff let all of us use her plastic needles. We have learnt the running and whipping stitch. STITCHERY IS COOL!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We are learning about volcanoes. When a volcano erupts its called lava but when it just going to erupt its called magma.I think Lava could travel over a distance of 150 km.

Earth quakes

We are learning about earthquakes.When an earthquake shakes sometimes people get killed .


Room M is making volcano pictures. We made them the day Mrs Patching came to our class. Mrs Patching showed us how to make them. We all made one.

By Kaylen


Today at maths my group did some maths from a book.We did adding and times.We had to do our adding first then our times.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Returning to New Zealand

When I returned to NZ it felt a bit weird.2 I noticed it was cold when I arrived at Palmerston North. I was happy to be near home.Mum, Rob and I had to catch a taxi back home. Two days later I was at SCHOOL!Everyone was happy to see me! Everyone was happy to see me too!


Today and tomorrow the whole school will be having parent teacher interviews so school will be closing at one thirty, but some people will be leaving at twelve thirty.Some parents will be coming today and some parents will be coming tomorrow.The teachers will be showing our parents our books that we have worked in this year.

By Shayla


Interviews are happening tonight and tomorrow night so the school is closing at 1:30! Yahoo!! I am having mine tomorrow. We had to look through our portfolios and figure out what we were going to say when our parents come in. School interviews for children are called Parent Teacher Conferences. In Parent Teacher Conferences the child has to share what happened in class that is in their books. So if I had my portfolio I would have to share my samples and other things. If you are a school kid like me you would have to do these things like me. Parent Teacher Conferences happen a quarter of the way through term 1 and a quarter of the way through term 3. Parent Teacher Conferences are a way for your parents to find out what you have been doing in class and how much you have improved since last time your parents came in and saw all of your work. I like Parent Teacher Conferences because you get to show your parents what you have done and how you have improved lots and lots! By Alicia!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the earth

In roomM arelearning about the earth volcanoes, magma and lava.We watched lots of fun movies about the earth. There are chambers under ground filled wth magma. When magma omes out of volcanoes its called lava.


In roomM we are learning about the earth and volcanos,magma and lava.We also watched movies about them.Did you know that volcanos have magma in them and when it comes out it turns into lava?


In week six or seven we're doing production. The narrator is Alex Graham, tanehokahoka is Samara Avery and tanemahuta is Nathan I don't know his last name. The birds are kiwis, pukekos, fantails and tuis. The insects are wetas, wasps, praying mantis and ladybirds. I'm a tree. We're doing it in the civic center, but we're practicing it in the hall.


Production Practice.

In week 7 we are having a school production, so we are having a practice nearly every week in the morning from 9:00 to 9:30. The main people are Alex Graham who is the narrator, Nathan is Tanemahuta and Samara is Tanehokahoka.There are insects,kiwis,trees,pukekos,fantails and tuis.I am a kiwi so I have to wear two suits a colourful one and a non-colourful one.It will be a hard job.We have to learn to sing some songs to go with it.